Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just give me a moment............. pout, or have a pity party, or whatever you want to call it.

Today was "Baby Dedication Day" at church. It is done once a year to allow the parents to present their babies to the congregation (it is not a baptism). Obviously, I was ooohing and aaahhing along with all of the other people at the precious bambinos. But, at the same time, I was feeling, well, kind of left out. Now, we are new to the church, but our "baby" is 4, and the dedication is for kiddos aged 2 and under. Then most were boys (which is likely what we would be referred), so my heart strings were really being tugged on.

Now, I am a logical person. I know that even if all had gone as WE had planned, and we were able to accept the referral of the baby we were referred in March, HE still would not have been home for this dedication today. This logical person was thinking very illogically today, and yes, I will admit it, feeling a tad sorry for myself, maybe even, dare I say, a bit jealous of the parents in the front of the church with their babies. I started to doubt this would ever happen, sure that something else would go wrong.

After the service, errands, and lunch with two of my favorite people (my hubby and daughter), I snapped out of it. I have faith that everything will work out when it is supposed to and as it is supposed to, and that NONE of this will ever happen in MY time. Just like it all did with Alina Jayne.

An update: our adoption agency is in the process of referring babies to families whose dossiers went to Ethiopia in late January, 2009. Ours went on November 14th, 2008. We are supposed to be back in line where we were when we put our plans on hold, "back to the front of the line" as they say. I would imagine we should hear something in the next couple of months.

So now that I'm over myself, enjoy the pics of our weekend.

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  1. My exact prayer today was "Thank you God for doing it your way. If we would have had it my way, I would not be in this place right now with the kids I have right now." It is very humbling and a bit embarassing to look back on your life and remember all the complaining you did along the way isn't it? And to see God's hand in all of it. Its so HARD to wait.

  2. I totally understand how you feel.
    Our friends are leaving the 23rd to go to Ethiopia and I am sad, even though I shouldn't be.

    Soo, not understanding why AJ can't be dedicated. I would be a little sad about that.
