Sunday, January 31, 2010


Today our girl turns 5! I can hardly believe it. It seems like just yesterday we were receiving our referral from China, for a "baby girl who just turned 13 months old."

We baked cupcakes for her school snack on Monday. Well, I baked and frosted, and AlinaJayne was in charge of the detail work-like the sprinkles and conversations hearts. I think they turned out pretty cute :O)

Time sure does fly. I keep telling her that I want her to stay little forever, that I want her to be my baby girl just a little longer. But she reminds me "Mama, I've got to grow up, I can't stay little forever."

She is right. So I cherish these fleeting moments.

We love you our sweet girl!

We'll post more pics later-small party for Grandparents on Saturday.