Sunday, October 26, 2008

One More Milestone.......................

We are one small step closer to bringing our child/children home from Ethiopia! On Friday our adoption placing agency called to let us know that they received our home study from our home study agency and it was perfect! They are still waiting for two documents to be returned from the Ethiopian Embassy and then it will be READY TO GO TO ETHIOPIA!!

So what now? Well, since the home study is completed, now the agency who wrote it will send a notarized copy to our placing agency and to USCIS. Our placing agency will send it to Ethiopia, where it will be transalted into Amharic. Then USCIS will send us an appointment to be fingerprinted, so we can be cleared by Immigration, and receive the coveted I-171H (aka the approval to adopt internationally).

Lots of things going on at one time, all of which are pieces in the puzzle. Can't wait to let you know when we are "DTE" ( Dossier to Ethiopia). That is when the REAL wait begins!