Alina Jayne LOVES to use the computer to play games. She turns it on, logs on and goes to the two sites she loves- & then logs off and shuts it down when she is finished-all this and we only showed her how to do this once. About a month or so ago, she brought a full color picture of Curious George to us when we she was finished playing. Her Dad and I were shocked, and asked her how in the heck she got that, to which she replied "Mom, Dad, it is REALLY easy, you just click print!" Well duh!
Tonight after she was ready for bed, she pleaded with us to let her play "one more game." We knew she was getting tired, but we decided it was okay. After telling her to turn the volume down 2 or 100 times (yes, we sound like *our* parents yelling for us to turn our music down when we were teenagers), it got *very* quiet. We went to the kitchen to check on her and this is what we found........
Guess she got tired waiting for her page to load!
Yes, she is tucked snugly in bed (ours of course) as I post this!